Central Virginia FIERO Club – Caravan to Carlisle Safety in numbers, feel free to join us. Saturday June 21st - Members of the CVFC will depart from the McDonalds located at Courthouse Rd (630) 95n exit 140 at 6:35 a.m. We will pick up additional show goers at Woodbridge Exit 160a Rt 123 at the Gordon Plaza Shopping center at 7:00 a.m... We will depart by 7:10 and head for points north. Additional members from Northern VA will be joining our group at a location to be determined in or around the Tysons area. We will then drive north up 270 to Frederick MD. Anyone in the 270 corridor that wants to meet up please send me a PM. We will arrive in Frederick about 8:15 am and will meet at the Roy Rogers located in the Walmart parking area- Monocacy Blvd. If you are going up to CARLISLE from the Baltimore area how about meeting us there! The address for the Roy Rogers in Frederick is 1990 Riverside Way Frederick, MD 21701 Steve308
[This message has been edited by steve308 (edited 06-06-2014).]
I'd love to meet up with you all in Frederick! I'm not sure if I'll put my car in the Carlisle event because it's still kinda a project but I'd love to ride up there will you all.
gwg1995 - happy to have you along! Don't be shy with your "work in progress" as there will always be others in various states of restoration and it the best place to get your questions answered for any problems you may be having. If the past is any indication we will have an assortment from 'trailer queens' to 'farm use' Steve
Additional contact info via pm will be sent next week.
I'd love to meet up with you all in Frederick! I'm not sure if I'll put my car in the Carlisle event because it's still kinda a project but I'd love to ride up there will you all.
Sounds like you'd be in the running for a special award "Best Work-in-Progress"! :-) Don't be shy - all Fieros are welcome!
Probably to late to get the pre-registration paperwork done - but check the Carlisle web sight - yes you can register at the gate - they are very well organized and it goes quickly. Final details on the caravan to be sent tomorrow. Good to have you along!
Ok I'll put it in an I put it in at the gate or do I have to preregister it?
You can still sign up by phone at 717-243-7855 - it will make things a little quicker at the gate but you will have to stop by the gate to pick up your pass or you can just register upon arrival. When you register, put down MAFOA as your club as it helps us get credit towards a tent and other things for next year's show! Drive safe!
[This message has been edited by MAFOA Events (edited 06-17-2014).]
Looks like rain on the way up in the AM -- Car is loaded and pointed north. See you Marylanders at Roy Rogers. Fast 2m4 hopes to be bringing his newly done turbo 3800 on it's maiden voyage.
We had a great trip with a total of 8 of us rolling in as a group. The only casualty was a sail panel blowing off on the highway from the award winning 'work in progress' driven by Pat Jones .