did you clean the iac port and the throttle body with tb cleaner, and reset the computer? i think its pins 1/3 or something like that that will reset the computer puts it into a different mode. thats under the plate by the lighter, or just disconnect the battery for a few minutes. How much smoke are you getting , it may just be a bit of drip down after sitting that burns off when first started or condensation for the white smoke. The rich condition may be the throttle position switch is bad.
[This message has been edited by Macs86GT (edited 02-27-2014).]
did you clean the iac port and the throttle body with tb cleaner, and reset the computer? i think its pins 1/3 or something like that that will reset the computer puts it into a different mode. thats under the plate by the lighter, or just disconnect the battery for a few minutes. How much smoke are you getting , it may just be a bit of drip down after sitting that burns off when first started or condensation for the white smoke. The rich condition may be the throttle position switch is bad.
No I didn't clean it, or reset anything. I'm at work and only able to step away for minutes at a time to do things here and there.
Wow, that's crazy! White smoke is usually steam and blue smoke is oil and black smoke usually means too rich. That looks like white smoke and the velocity it's coming out is not good and the only route for it to get there would be through the breather tube, could be a head gasket. If it looks blue in person the first thing I would do would be to do a compression test. Be sure to pull the fuse for the fuel pump first so you don't wash do the cylinders with gas. A low cylinder could indicate bad rings or bad valve seats. If the cylinders check good for compression then it could be valve seals.
The car has been sitting for almost a year. Im going to take apart the intake and do an oil change today. Smoke is coming out of the back valve cover not the front. I can take the oil filler cap off and no white smoke comes out.
When i get tot work I'll start updating from there. Blue smoke only happens under heavy throttle. I know the engine is worn, I just need it to run for a few months while I clean up cosmetics and shop for an engine swap.
Started it up - fired up without throttle (but not instantly). Usually I had to floor it or feather it like it's flooded.
Let it run for an hour without me touching it. Thermostat opened up (new part) saw water traveling from front to rear and back.
Went from cold 1100-1200 idle to 700-800 after warm.
Shut it down, started it up again (harder start this time, but still didn't need to use the throttle to coax it.)
Unhooked battery completely to reset ecu just now. I'll leave it for an hour or so until engine cools down and hook it back up and try this again.
Open to other suggestions?
Wait so did you fix it? Hard start just replace the ICM, its going. SBC's and Fiero's go through em like crazy... Rich (white smoke, unburned) Is probably your CTS sensor, by the thermostat... mine ran like a pig till I swapped it. Also every try unplugging the MAP? Timing set? Forgot what you said you did try, just some more suggestions.
Wait so did you fix it? Hard start just replace the ICM, its going. SBC's and Fiero's go through em like crazy... Rich (white smoke, unburned) Is probably your CTS sensor, by the thermostat... mine ran like a pig till I swapped it. Also every try unplugging the MAP? Timing set? Forgot what you said you did try, just some more suggestions.
Appreciate the ideas, I'll do icm and cts right now. Says my cts is on the driver's side not by the thermostat? 2.8
New ICM and Cap and Rotor. Letting it idle and it's still seems like it's hunting. When put into gear it isn't dying but it isn't warmed up yet either.
I'll report back in 15 and let you know where I'm at.
Problem is back, smokes heavily (blue oil, when revved up then almost wants to die). It's not overheating, I'm leaning towards loss of compression and blow by in one of the cylinders by the firewall.
Anyone with suggestions on rebuild kit or cheap engine swap alternatives?
Problem is back, smokes heavily (blue oil, when revved up then almost wants to die). It's not overheating, I'm leaning towards loss of compression and blow by in one of the cylinders by the firewall.
Anyone with suggestions on rebuild kit or cheap engine swap alternatives?
That video makes no sense to me at all. With the position of that intake tube then nothing should be connected to the intake, at least nothing from the valve covers.
[This message has been edited by LornesGT (edited 03-02-2014).]
That video makes no sense to me at all. With the position of that intake tube then nothing should be connected to the intake, at least nothing of the valve covers.
I wonder if that car still has the tube connected to the filter canister. That's about the only way i can think its getting some form of smoke into the intake hose.
Found a 1988 notchie I'm picking up today. Since I'm ripping engines out anyways, I'm going to swap my sound system and racing seats and GT parts over.
I'll make a thread as soon as I start dissassembly.
Problem is back, smokes heavily (blue oil, when revved up then almost wants to die). It's not overheating, I'm leaning towards loss of compression and blow by in one of the cylinders by the firewall.
Anyone with suggestions on rebuild kit or cheap engine swap alternatives?
It's not overheating, fan kicks on and cools it down. I think it just has air bubbles right now. Going to drive around without thermostat for awhile.
It is still dying after warming up like the fuel mixture is getting richer the warmer it gets. And it won't idle anymore.
Did you find out what the check engine code was before you cleared it? If you suspect the mixture is getting rich as it warms up, try checking the coolant temperature sensor with a multimeter. This is the sensor on the passenger side of the lower intake manifold, just below the thermostat.
Did you find out what the check engine code was before you cleared it? If you suspect the mixture is getting rich as it warms up, try checking the coolant temperature sensor with a multimeter. This is the sensor on the passenger side of the lower intake manifold, just below the thermostat.
Thank you very much for that info. I have a new sensor and haven't installed yet. I'm cleaning up my garage today so I can work on diagnostics. I'm hoping to just get 2.8 running temporarily. I did find a north star and tranny for a swap eventually.
If you want to use a scanner on it you can bring it over. You chose a heck of a first Fiero swap, I would recommend something else if you want it done quickly.
If you want to use a scanner on it you can bring it over. You chose a heck of a first Fiero swap, I would recommend something else if you want it done quickly.
I don't need it done 'quickly' per se. I am a GM at a dealership and I can drive something else at any time.
Where you located?
Also - Anyone have a picture of a CTS? The one the shop gave me has an oval plug with 2 metal contacts inside and I believe the one on the block has a circular nipple looking thing?
Drove it to taco bell a few blocks away, died when I let foot off gas and press the brake. Feels like it has zero power and has blue smoke under heavy throttle.
The smoke coming from the air cleaner makes no sense. If memory serves me correctly, the pre-recall configuration used the pipe on the firewall with a hose to the air cleaner. The recall removed the hose, but left the metal tube, and capped off the port on the air cleaner and changed the intake hose to the throttle body (you have the recall version) and removed the weatherstrip on the engine cover. They also added a tube that ran directly from the rear valve cover to the intake tube. If there is something connecting the air cleaner to the motor other than the intake hose, it's not supposed to be there.
I would also take a look at the PCV valve. Possibly the PCV valve is plugged and the crankcase pressure has no where else to go.
Also, it seems like there is quite a bit of oil pooled in the throttle body in the video. My guess is the IAC passage is probably gunked up too. I'd also make sure all the vacuum line connections going to the throttle body are intact.
Thanks for all that input and yes I am with jet city. I'll run through your checklist in a few and see what happens. I upped the idle screw so it purrs at 1100 warm. I want to see if that will help temporarily.
That hose is not supposed to be connected to the air cleaner. Here are a couple of shots from the recall notice depicting the correct set up.
I'd double check that the PCV routing is correct and intact. Seems like there's way too much pressure going through that hose. I can say when I had the valve covers off of my engine, I was amazed at how much sludge there was caked into the ducting leading to the PCV inside the valve cover itself. It was darn near plugged up. Only way to clear that would be to pull the cover off and clean it.