Welcome to 2014 NTFC!...
I hope everyone had a good holiday season and that Santa brought lots of goodies for your Fiero.
Our regular club meeting will be this Saturday, January 25th, at Pappas BBQ for lunch. We will have our annual show of hands election for President, after a brief review of those responsibilities. I strongly encourage any active member in good standing that would like to have a turn at the helm to feel free to do so. STRONGLY ENCOURAGE.
Here are some coming activities to discuss!:
Spring Fun Run -- March 8th
Spring Fling with OKCF -- March 22
Daytona Fiero show -- March 27-30
http://fieroevents.com/NTMC has asked us to be guest club again at Cracker Barrel. Would like us to pick a month.
Cars and Coffee locations and times
Hope to see you Saturday!
<---- did you buy Cliff a beer?