This event used to be the last weekend in April. The last couple years, it has been creeping earlier and earlier into the month. This is NOT GOOD for weather related reasons, as the earlier in April we are, the colder and wetter the weather usually is.
April 12-13 probably has a rather low chance of being "nice" which is unfortunate. I love the Watkins Glen opening weekend.
Fformula I really don't think the dates matter much to this group, they love to drive, especially on tracks. Last year it was cool out but the track was dry both Sat and Sun. For sure a foot of snow or a ice storm might effect the the trip.
Hi, Jack. All's well! Now that the cold spell is broken somewhat the garage work starts.
Unfortunately no. My car is still up at Jon's. Our house hold is down to one car and my daughter has activities today. No cruising for me for awhile. It looks like I won't be at Watkins Glen for opening day either
I'm not going this early in April .... Going To go prob middle or end of May ... Still for charity and can go any weekend there is not something going on there
Just had the car in for state inspec and asked them to double check items for the track. It isn't track ready for this weekend. So we'll look forward to next month weather permitting.
Well, looks like I'll have my car back tomorrow. Thanks Fiero Jon! I should be in Watkins Glen between 4:00 and 6:00 pm. Is anyone one staying over and going to the track on Sunday Morning?
Already here in Watkins Glen. Ready to hit the track tomorrow and Sunday. Looks like the weather is going to be the best it has been in the 5 years that I have been coming to Watkins Glen. 70 or so tomorrow, and close to 80 on Sunday. Who says the weather is going to be bad. Wrong!
Awesome day at the track today. Mid 70's and sunny. I actually got enough sun to turn a little bit pink. After the winter we have had this year the sun is great. Went on the track three times today. My wife and several others got a chance to ride with the pace car drivers and had a whole lot of fun. We actually met one of the pace car drivers in the bar last night and so with that chance connection it worked out for us to get going a little bit faster on the track. What fun.
Looking forward to tomorrow to go back and take three more attacks at the track. This is definitely the best weather that I have been able to participate in this event in the last 5 years.
I was there today, in a bright blue '87 GT if anyone saw me. I'm from the Rochester area, and those Michigan guys invited me on track in their run, which was first up. Got to go about 100mph on the straightaway!
[This message has been edited by huracan2015 (edited 04-13-2014).]
A great weekend at The Glen. The pacers, Tony and Al, did a fantastic job giving us the best ride they could around the track. Straightaway speeds between 90 and 100mph and tires making noise through the corners. Driving hard was the standard. Many thanks as well to all the volunteers working the track.
Looking forward to next years opening weekend. If you haven't been there you need to give it a try, you will certainly have a good time. By the way, the Fieros gave the Camaros and Vettes a good run in the corners! They only get ahead on the straights, and that doesn't last long.
Glad to see you made it Dwayne!! Your new engine looked great, hope I didn't slow you down out there.
Thanks to the NYFOC for the warm local welcome! Very nice honor you gave Mad Mark at dinner Saturday. Look forward to seeing you guys again.
The Fiero I wanted to drive at the Glen had an issue when I backed it out of the garage, so I took my DD, an '06 HHR, not a car for a track even, but I got a photo of the car on the track. But I had fun driving up from Florida and seeing my NY friends. The HHR served a purpose for bringing some wine back to Florida as there is no room in small cars for big boxes. I started back today, leaving in 36 degree temperatures with heavy rain. An all day a rain event so far.