There are many people who believe that the recalls did more harm than good, and actually go to some expense to undo some of the recall work.
Edit - If there is a hose that connects from the front (window side) valve cover to the firewall, the recall has not been completed.
I would be tempted to replace the intake duct and breather tube as TopNotch has done, and forgo the rest.
What you will need is a rubber duct that goes from the throttle body to the air filter canister, with a molded in fitting to accept a ~12mm tube, just next to the throttle body. You will also need that 12mm(?) tube to reach from the duct to the front (window side) valve cover.
Unplug the hose connection from the front valve cover and cut the rubber hose at the firewall. Discard the hose/fitting.
Either plug the remaining hose at the firewall, or disconnect the other end of that hose from the air filter canister, and plug the fitting in the canister.
Install the new rubber duct between the throttle body and the the air filter canister.
Connect the metal tube between the duct and the front valve cover.
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 12-07-2013).]