Hello, I just recently picked up a '86 Iron Duke, 5 speed , notchback. I'm pretty new to Fieros, my dad has always had one or two, but they have never ran. I bought mine about a month ago and have loved driving it. That is when it's in driving condition. The thing has an appetite for my alt-water pump-crank belt. Each one has lasted about a week before snapping, usually while I'm driving back from work and such. When I bought the car it had shot engine mounts, if you rocked the car back and fourth you could actually watch the engine move. I had spent all my cash on the car, but a check was soon to come, so I drove the car as is, and shortly there after, I snapped a belt. Pay day came and I fixed the engine mounts and some other issues I should have noticed the day I bought it. The PO had incorrectly installed the Alt bracket, which lead to the bolts holding it to the block backing out. This, coupled with the bad engine mounts, caused the bracket to bend and twist. GM made that bracket pretty solid! It took me and my brother in law hours to reshape that (all we had was a vice and a "Thor Hammer"). While under the car we found that the mounts were so bad that they had allowed the crank to partially rest on a rubber bumpstop (?) that was located on the frame. After all of this was fixed and a new belt was thrown on, I had thought the issue fixed. But I was wrong, and two belts later I need help. There's a suspicious piece of metal right above the crank pulley, and I'm thinking it might be cutting into my belt (it does not cut my AC belt). I have a haynes manual, but can find nothing identifying this piece. I know pics would be worth a thousand words, but I am currently rocking a none camera phone, and I have no other camera. I need to get this car on the road, as my beater is about beat!
The rest of the car is in decent condition. Not a lot of rust, some paint issues, but it's better than I expected. One head light is stuck up, and the gearbox is very notchie, but all and all, I can understand why my dad has always one. When they run they are a ton of fun. I think it's the best driving position I've ever sat in, and she's quite fun in the wet. The plans for the car are quite simple. My dad has a spare 2.8, with harness and all accessories (he also has a 5 speed for the V6 he said I can snag). I want to try to get 160-175rwhp out of the thing. I have no real talent in fab work, so I'm stuck with bolt ons, and bolt ins. Think it's possible while staying NA? Reliable? I've lurked a bit and found at least one 2.9 that was putting out 160, so it not too far out of the realm of possibility....
Lastly, thank you all the both the info you have already posted, and for the help I hope you provide!
Welcome to the Forum! You will find that advice and help flow quickly and freely.
Now you will get some person coming in here nagging you for photo's of the car, and how posts like this are not as good without photos and the like. Just ignore them. Now, go get some pictures and show what it looks like
To post photos in the forum, look at the bottom of each page for the link to the Pennocks Image Poster.
Welcome! You can find anything and everything you need to know with this group of folks. Don't be afraid to ask questions, 99% of the folks on here are friendly and looking to help anyone out, no matter how simple or difficult the issue is.
Also, post pics, or we'll be forced to call you out as a liar!
------------------ Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six. (84 IMSA) garage queen (13 Veloster) daily grinder (86 basterdized mera) fake ferrari (84 fastback IMSA) confused lil one The forums Youngest CDL driver
I'm having issues uploading the only pic I have taken, any tips uploading from photobucket? If it is a mis aligned pulley would I need a new pulley or can it be adjusted? As I said in my first post the crank had been resting on some sort of bumpstop. I actually saw a thread earlier saying it is some sort of "Vibration damper". The car was driven in the condition both by myself and the PO....
I'm having issues uploading the only pic I have taken, any tips uploading from photobucket? If it is a mis aligned pulley would I need a new pulley or can it be adjusted? As I said in my first post the crank had been resting on some sort of bumpstop. I actually saw a thread earlier saying it is some sort of "Vibration damper". The car was driven in the condition both by myself and the PO....
None at all, sorry I have never figured it out myself, probably my fault, I use this,
I'm having issues uploading the only pic I have taken, any tips uploading from photobucket? If it is a mis aligned pulley would I need a new pulley or can it be adjusted? As I said in my first post the crank had been resting on some sort of bumpstop. I actually saw a thread earlier saying it is some sort of "Vibration damper". The car was driven in the condition both by myself and the PO....
Since you mentioned the alt bracket had been messed with I was thinking taking a look to see if the belt lines up correct so it hits all the pulleys straight on and isnt being diverted at an angle. As far as adjustment it would be in teh mounting of the alt itself, for example. Unless someone replace the pulley on the alt with a wrong size or shape pulley.
To upload from photobucket I look at teh library in photobucket, roll the mouse over an image and then click on the little gear icon, choose get links, choose the link with [IMG], its one click to copy, then paste that into your post here.
You can hit edit on my post here to see what I inserted to put this image in:
[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 12-05-2013).]
There she is! there is some paint damage on the pillar there, but that is the least of my worries! What strikes me as interesting is it seems like the PO was going to attempt to make a GT clone. The passenger sail is from a GT as is my steering wheel. I admit that I have the stock wheel that came on the car, but one would think you would start with wheels or engine before the steering wheel and sails.
[This message has been edited by Oopssorry (edited 12-06-2013).]