Join us for a special Skype meeting with young Kathryn Dimaria from Michigan who will relate her Fiero experiences starting a Fiero restoration project at 12 years old. You will find it a fascinating story!
In addition, a special presentation from Matt Ingram of CTEK which has a product line known as the “Smallest battery chargers in the world”. Included are ins and outs of battery charging and new developments of battery chargers.
And finally, discussion of preparing your Fiero for the winter season.
For those of you that can't attend, we will be broadcasting the meeting live on the web. Check the Live Meeting Page at 1:00pm central time. P.S. Next NIFE functions: Holiday party December 28 th. January Club meeting, January 28th., LISLE, IL LIBRARY! See Fiero Focus or Fiero Focus website for details.
86 GT 5-speed, 88 Coupe Auto
Technical Director, NIFE