I can't post photos haven't figured out a way on linux yet if anyone can post them for me I would be thankful.
<A Class="HTMLBodyLink" HREF="http://https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1463600_10153434054940716_964692800_n.jpg" TARGET=_blank></A>
<A Class="HTMLBodyLink" HREF="http://https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1454956_10153434056495716_736942072_n.jpg" TARGET=_blank>Close up of paint</A>sideWell wanted to give an update on my fiero I pulled the wing off hand painted it fixed all of the running issues works great now and sadly I may have to part ways with it soon hoping not though.
Can anyone give me an idea of about how much I should be asking? it has a mild cam 3800 sc from a 98 GTP getrag 5 speed with limited slip aftrmarket fuel rail and adjustable fuel pressure regulator Kong wheels interior is decent but not perfect same as exterior has zzp performance 1.0 pcm CEL is always on because it keeps throwing an auto tranny code and it has a manual. driver side headlight motor needs rebuilt.
Still working on the exterior but what do you guys think of it so far? need a couple more coats of clear and some touch up on the black and trim thinking of blacking out rims.
[This message has been edited by Sile (edited 11-05-2013).]