Pretty Much before September 1, 2013, you could not be fined for not having a license plate (either front or back). As of September 1, 2013, you can be fined up to $200 for not having both license plates.
[This message has been edited by craigsfiero2007 (edited 09-29-2013).]
I would assume it would be enforced more rather than less or not at all. My guess is that it's only a matter of time when other states go the way of California in using speed cameras to catch speeders, red light runners , etc and then automatically send a ticket to them in the mail. You can imagine how much the police agencies like this system as it doesn't require any people/personnel to enforce it. However, in order to make it work they must be able to get a pic of the license plates. (whether the car is coming or going) This is the main reason for the front plate enforcement. Kit
I've been lucky so far. I've been driving with Idaho and now Washington plates on the rear only. I would have to either drill the body or glue them to the front bumper.
I would assume it would be enforced more rather than less or not at all. My guess is that it's only a matter of time when other states go the way of California in using speed cameras to catch speeders, red light runners , etc and then automatically send a ticket to them in the mail. You can imagine how much the police agencies like this system as it doesn't require any people/personnel to enforce it. However, in order to make it work they must be able to get a pic of the license plates. (whether the car is coming or going) This is the main reason for the front plate enforcement. Kit
Actually other states, such as Texas, have deemed that red light cameras are unconstitutional and have gotten rid of them. Hopefully, other states will go that route instead.
Actually other states, such as Texas, have deemed that red light cameras are unconstitutional and have gotten rid of them. Hopefully, other states will go that route instead.
They're unconstitutional in MN as well... but if you have a Collector plate on your car you aren't required to run a front plate anyway, and as of 2008 the 1988 Pontiac Fiero qualified.
Originally posted by carbon: They're unconstitutional in MN as well... but if you have a Collector plate on your car you aren't required to run a front plate anyway, and as of 2008 the 1988 Pontiac Fiero qualified.
Many states have limits on miles drive a year on collector/antique tags. Read state's rules before you get one.
------------------ Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. (Jurassic Park)
Many states have limits on miles drive a year on collector/antique tags. Read state's rules before you get one.
Have one... and yeah, there are rules... none of which are actually enforceable, unless you are extremely blatant about it...
In MN...
Collector Plates
At the time of application, owners must certify that they have one or more vehicles registered with regular Minnesota license plates.
Vehicles registered in any of the collector classes are restricted to operation solely as a collector item. These vehicles cannot be used for general transportation purposes.
May be displayed on any motor vehicle (except recreational) that is at least 20 model years old and manufactured after 1935.
Collector plates may be personalized. See the Personalized Plates section above for fees and restrictions.
I'm the 'Minnesota CARBON Collector', baby...
[This message has been edited by carbon (edited 10-01-2013).]
Have one... and yeah, there are rules... none of which are actually enforceable, unless you are extremely blatant about it...
Not too sure about that...
I have antique plates on my Indy and I'm ready to get rid of them and go back to regular ones... I park it on the street and I start getting nasty letters for having unregistered car because of the no front plate or inspection sticker, (although neither are required). And if I'm driving and cop sees it from the front, he's going to swing around to the rear for a look, and if he sees Antique he might do the right thing and do nothing...or he could decide to nit pick me for some ridiculous reason since he's already gone to the trouble to get behind me. It's not worth saving a few bucks on a tag.
Actually other states, such as Texas, have deemed that red light cameras are unconstitutional and have gotten rid of them. Hopefully, other states will go that route instead.
Not unconstitutional. But there have been citywide referendums in several cities to have them removed. Houston lost their red light cameras a while back.
To some that is more then a few bucks when you add the years together.
I alone have saved $1200.00 not buying tags on my 1949 Ford 1/2 ton pickup.
I have Collector plates on all 3 of my Fieros, and drive them when I want to, just not to work and back.
I don't know how long you've had the '49 but I don't see how you get to $1200.
And I don't know how to put a price on being harassed by the man. I get pulled over way too much for no reason now, I really don't like adding to that.
[This message has been edited by jscott1 (edited 10-02-2013).]
I have antique plates on my Indy and I'm ready to get rid of them and go back to regular ones... I park it on the street and I start getting nasty letters for having unregistered car because of the no front plate or inspection sticker, (although neither are required). And if I'm driving and cop sees it from the front, he's going to swing around to the rear for a look, and if he sees Antique he might do the right thing and do nothing...or he could decide to nit pick me for some ridiculous reason since he's already gone to the trouble to get behind me. It's not worth saving a few bucks on a tag.
Sounds like harassment of the owner of a properly registered car to me... filed a complaint?
Florida does theirs starting at 30 years old. That being said, one more year and the 84's are in!!! I haven't been able to find any rules on their DMV site as of yet.
Florida does theirs starting at 30 years old. That being said, one more year and the 84's are in!!! I haven't been able to find any rules on their DMV site as of yet.
I have antique plates on my Indy and I'm ready to get rid of them and go back to regular ones... I park it on the street and I start getting nasty letters for having unregistered car because of the no front plate or inspection sticker, (although neither are required). And if I'm driving and cop sees it from the front, he's going to swing around to the rear for a look, and if he sees Antique he might do the right thing and do nothing...or he could decide to nit pick me for some ridiculous reason since he's already gone to the trouble to get behind me. It's not worth saving a few bucks on a tag.
Here is MI, they are very specific on when you can drive an antique plated vehicle. Basically... parades, service and for one month out of the year, you can drive it all you want. I would love to get antique plates on my '73 Intl pickup, but too much hassle to worry about a cop pulling me over for "driving too much".
The only ones who seem to enforce the front plate law from time to time here are the DPS troopers. Local PD doesn't seem to care. We are right on the border with the state of New Mexico which does not require front plates. That may be why it is enforced less............
I don't know how long you've had the '49 but I don't see how you get to $1200.
And I don't know how to put a price on being harassed by the man. I get pulled over way too much for no reason now, I really don't like adding to that.
I bought the `49 in 1976 and put Collector Plates on it in 1983. Todays registration fees are $40.00 a year. They were $50.00 in the mid to late 80`s. I used $40.00 a year for my number.
In 30 years of having Collector plates on many vehicles, I have yet to be bothered by "The Man" but, I do not use these for work cars. I do drive them on weekends and on summer evenings. Yup, I cross state lines as well.
In 30 years of having Collector plates on many vehicles, I have yet to be bothered by "The Man" but, I do not use these for work cars. I do drive them on weekends and on summer evenings. Yup, I cross state lines as well.
Yeah I can see how it add up, but as I stated I already get pulled over way too much in my grocery getter for ridiculous things like going 60 miles per hour on a tollway where everybody is going 75+ There's one section where it inexplicably drops to 50 and everyone ignores that. I just came off probation for that citation. I don't need to be harassed about a tag on top of it.