So you were able to contact the seller recently? You spoke with them?
It's is NOT a PFF typical situation I feel. I hope. I know there seems to be a lot of stuff going on but a lot of the other peoples problems have been brewing. Not that your hasn't, but some of theirs is just starting to play out.
There have been TONS and TONS of great transaction completed here on PFF. The good ones far, far exceed the bad ones. It's just that the bad ones are discussed ALOT more frequently and no one ever really talks or posts about great deals and perfectly smooth transactions.
It's like when you get a bad haircut you will tell 10 people but when you get a great haircut you never even mention it.
I hope all ends well with this transaction for you. If there is anything any of us here can do to assist you please feel free to inquire. And I hope I can speak for others here, pls forgive me.
It would be nice to have a section where problems with vendors, or members could be worked out. Like a PFF BBB section. That way you could check a vendors reputation and see how they handle disputes. It would be helpfull for both sides.
Glad you got it resolved. It can be frustrating to buy a part and wait on it. I did that to Grantman and issued the refund. Found the parts two days after refunding. I was in the middle of moving and misplaced them. If I haven't just seen the part, I don't offer it for sale. Still not organized enough. Hope you find the part you need.
Problem solved. I received a full refund this morning.
You got your money back but you still had a bad transaction. You waited over a year for something you ordered and paid for. You blackmailed the seller into giving you a refund so his name would not be known, now others might still go through what you did. I'm glad you got your money back, but you had every right to warn everyone else who the seller was, now he remains anonymous.
Glad you got it resolved. It can be frustrating to buy a part and wait on it. I did that to Grantman and issued the refund. Found the parts two days after refunding. I was in the middle of moving and misplaced them. If I haven't just seen the part, I don't offer it for sale. Still not organized enough. Hope you find the part you need.
After that I bought something else from Steve and got it right away. I would buy from Steve again.
DL10 has a valid point. If it was a special item that was to take time to manufacture, then you give more time. If it was a new/used part, you are more patient than I would've been. Just like BV Motorsports (?) tried to warn others at the beginning, he took heat. Bit of a sticky situation you've got, or you can ignore this thread and let it drop off. Maybe the people that REALLY want to know, they could PM you. I'd use the feedback system. It stays with them where a post can get lost. Thanks Grantman! I appreciated the second chance!
Originally posted by DL10:
You got your money back but you still had a bad transaction. You waited over a year for something you ordered and paid for. You blackmailed the seller into giving you a refund so his name would not be known, now others might still go through what you did. I'm glad you got your money back, but you had every right to warn everyone else who the seller was, now he remains anonymous.
[This message has been edited by fierocarparts (edited 10-07-2013).]
He has already been called out in another thread, albeit more politely. I responded to that thread, and at the time still had high hopes (Even though I had placed the order last November and the thread didn't come around till July). I understand he's a busy guy, but even custom parts don't take a year to make. If anyone wants a link to that thread, I can PM it to you. My intent if the ultimatum wasn't met was to call him out publicly among other things. I agreed that I wouldn't do that if he upheld his end which he did. I said nothing about discussing it privately. With that, I'm going to let this thread go and disappear. I won't be posting anymore responses to it.