attend the fabulous, magnificent central florida fiero gang bangers meet thursday october 3rd.. meet Fiero men among real men ..start planning NOW !! the notorious feud with the midget nash metro knee biters is over, this is conceal carry only, leave the heavy hardware at home..All the men in central florida fiero are good looking & the wifes are tough as nails . plan now if you live a furpiece away all members are available for FIERO chat & FIERO blathering!! I uhlanstan am directly responsible for the low attendance at Daytona 2013,, SO start making plans now to attend daytona 2014 !!there will be many Fiero know it all legends to converse with ,,it is easy to avoid me & my loud mouth so get wife permission ,to avoid spanking ,consult with your parole officer,,pay off old tickets & fines ,, plan stops along the way they are A comming to Daytona in wagons,,buggies ,ox cart & pick em up trucks,get your fiero running ,do not sweat the interior clean up,you can hang your head out the window every few miles !! 100 Fiero,s is the goal
Dang nab it. I'll be in Lake Mary at the Orlando Marriott for a conference on the 5th and 6th but Fieroless that weekend, I'm driving down with some friends.