This Saturday, there will be another Cars and Coffee event in Vintage Park if anyone is interested. I will be there with my 3800sc 87 GT if you would like to stop by and say hi. I hope some others will want to join in on the action!
Since u have ur car back it is time to get the Houston club back in order and meeting again. We need atleast 5 Fieros from the Houaton area at the Ruckus.
It usually goes from about 6:30-10AM. The parking for these things fills up around 5AM! I have to be at work at noon, so I can't stick around too long.
Since u have ur car back it is time to get the Houston club back in order and meeting again. We need atleast 5 Fieros from the Houaton area at the Ruckus.
I'm considering it... But it's the same weekend as a race that I was planning to run in.
OH COME ON JON, running in this heat is better than you in your a/c'ed Fiero chaseing me down some tree'ed roads trying to catch up????? I don't think so.. .(And it is gonna rain that day in Hou.) Hell I think we will let ya RUN the cruse route on the RRR! ( we will hold the tape at the finish line for ya. Course we will be drunk by then. ) little trophy and all.
Yeah that will be YOUR thing! We will hold a 5k run at ALL TEXAS Fiero events. We can call it Jon-a-thon 5K. yeah RRRJ5K has that ring to it. Hey at least we will see the car while you sweat your little butt off. I will even hand ya water along the way.
[This message has been edited by revin (edited 08-02-2013).]
Glad you found us! Maybe next time we'll plan a breakfast stop on the way back. Thanks, Mich and CJ, for making it out as well. Hopefully we can make it a steady event!