ive been playing email tag with a guy in hamburg ny on a 87 gt amd today i finally got to see it and concrete into buying it....he was asking 1200 for it but im getting it for 700....what im getting is a fully optioned gold auto ...overall in good shape ,,,,clear is fading and the tan interior is fading but heres why im buying it....it has a new 3.1 ari engine with head and cam work...full poly susp and kyb shocks...its very clean underneath with the only frame damage welded and boxed in....now the real kicker...it has the focoa longtubes/borla catback system/aluminum radiator/grand am brakes/all stainless lines...and a truck load of extra parts...i couldnt hear it run because it needs the tank swapped out from sitting for a while but it turns over freely and the fluids all look good....i figured for 700 if all else fails i can part it easily and make some money...heck it even comes with a new ocelet catback as a spare...the only neg is the auto which i might swap either a standard trans or at least a newer overdive auto and it has an aftermarket sunroof but comes with a hardtop roof he was gonna put on but i might investigate how much and difficult it will be to install a factory sunroof into or if i can piece together a ttop conversion.....well what do you guys think did i do good on this one...will update when i go pick it up and swap the tank to crank it over
Love the gold Fiero's--they offered gold in 87? Factory sunroof is fun, hardtop is easier (headliner)--T-Tops---a lot of work--beware--spare parts are a bear! If you live in a hot and sunny area you might want sunroof or hardtop--the T-Tops were harsh on my car--I changed my interior and keep the leather under wraps when not driving---post some pics!
i was just thinking ttops because i love my tops on my camaro.....most likely ill be sticking with whats on it now unless i find a gold one in a junkyard or someone that wants a hardtop that has a gold sunroof....or i may just wait till i see about down the line if i like it and hold on to it have the car painted and then convert....i have just always liked the large sunroofs on these.....as soon as i can figure out how to get it from point a to point be and in my pocession ill take some picks
I put a sunroof on my gold 86 notchback back in 92..the roof was black--I kept it that way the a-pillars and roof being black with the sunroof glass being dark looked good with the gold rest of the car--but you don't need to be in a rush--get to enjoy your car--get a helm manual--when you want to do the roof that will be a valuable tool. check these out on t-top install---once you start you cant just back out https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/091018.html actually when the cuts were made I like the look of the solid roof being made removable
well finally hot er to her new home....dropped in the new tank and pump that came with the car and did an oil change and she fired right up....took it for a short spin and drove shifted and stopped good for a car that hasnt moved for prob a couple years.... on the bigger plus i had a minivan full of extra parts...i havent even really looked thru 4 plastic storage bins that came with it but as of now i know that i have what i was told is a fierostore catback with cat...2 complete 120 gauge clusters...4 ecms...pass and drivers side gt rockers....a solid roof skin...a few alt brackets....upper plenum....a perfect radiator core support,,, and a whole lot more....i deff now know i did good on this one
well so far so good on this....did some work on it yesturday just going thru it figuring things out and putting some of my newer parts from my other fiero on it....the rear bumper was sagging and was able to get her pulled back up the way its supposed to be....iknow i need to flush the brakes since the fluid looks like old motor oil its so dirty but i have ss hoses to put on it anyways so that works out fine....i have to figure out some gauges...the oil pressure pegs to the right when its running and my fuel gauge is pegged to the right all the time....the fuel my be the sender which when i pulled the tank to replace i just reused the old pump and sender so i still have a known to be good spare and the tank will have to come back out anyways to replace the missing rear strap and the rusty front.......i have to adjust the tv cable.....replace the power controls for the locks....got the power mirrors on driver side working but only left right on pass....but all and all she is firing right ...runs at a solid 42psi fuel and holds it ....now to explore some more scrap yards to see the remote possibility of finding a gold sunroof car to get rid of the aftermarket sunroof i have or find someone that has one and wants a hardtop since an extra one came with the car...oh yeah and i have to decide if i want to keep the tan interior and get some tan leather fbody seats or switch to black...will try to take some pics today and then figure out how to post....the paint is pretty ugly with a 80s peeling clear design...i plan to at somepoint at least have it painted to match my camaro( chayanne red pearl) so its just something to deal with for now
if it werent so far away id be all over it for parts
on a side note.....got some more stuff done on it today....kinda figured out the fuel level issue....it was the connection at the back of the dash.....got the needle to drop but now it sits at halftank with only 2 gallons of fuel in the tank....checked with my extra sending unit and still only go to half tank....took the whole instrument panel apart and cleaned it testing 2 diff fuel guages with no change...but on a side note now all dash bulbs work....and since its not the original cluster and i have no idea how many miles are on the car i figured so i could keep track of things better my car now has 1 mile on it so oil changes and maintainance should be a breeze now......lol
added some grounds yesterday since there werent any from the engine to frame....changed out the battery cables and did a little wire moving around and cleaning in the engine.....as soon as i get my new straps in for the tank im gonna redrop it and clean the sending unit contacts just to make sure and reset the needle to e while i only have a small amount of gas in the car to see if it flows all the way up when i fill it.....the oil guage is now reading at about 60 psi but peggs when i hit the gas so b4 i buy a new sending unit im gonna either pull the one out of my other fiero to see what it reads or put in a mechanical....it is deff clearing up and running better the more i run it ...well see how it is when i can actually fill it up and get it on the road since its running on 2 gallons of high test and a can of seafoam right now.....on todays hit list is actually putting it on the road today and flushing the brake system since it looks like old motor oil i there...heck even ran a carfax on the car today....its from florida/then kentucky/then ohio till here in ny....2 accidents reported which concludes what i thought about paint shades on it not matching up...and it has over 200,000 miles on the car....
guage lights was the damn transister...which is bugging me because i took the one out of my other 87 that was working but wouldnt in the new car so i almost thought it was something else but i went to radio shack anyways and spent the 2 bucks on a new one ...put it in and wouldnt ya know it worked
well just sat down and ordered all the stuff i need for the car to have it hopefully 100% trip ready....i'll be putting in a whole new brake system from lines down so i ordered some ss lines and hoses,have some drilled and slotted rotors,new calipers all painted and ready to go,ordered new pads, since the bushings were shot up front i ordered the poly kit for the whole car,new plug wires because i dont like the carquest ones on it and wanted red ones,a new icm because well a spare is a good thing to have, and a cpl nitpick but needed items like the moulding on the front left facia is wrong(grooved) so i can put the smooth one on and my grey coil wire is missing the locking tab and already bounced off once.....past all this stuff i put in a lower temp fan switch and thermostat, installed my hid headlights'started to put in a crx cai but it wont clear the focoa crossover pipe right so i just did the water seperator delete, and put in a new tv cable although on that one i have to fidle with it because the gas peddle wont open the throttle all the way so i have to play with that some to fix it.....all in all its been a great thus far...its no speed demon like my camaro but its deff not a slow turd like my other fiero 4 banger is...i figure i dot mind dropping the money into it to get everything i can new to me since im starting off with a great base to begin with...