Got an idea from talking with Olejoedad from the Kazo/Battle Creek area. We need to get together. I am trying to think of a spot that would be a nice somewhat short drive for all. I was thinking a car themed spot and the ole mind thought of Gilmore Farms in Hickory Corners. It might be closer to Kalamazoo but it is about cars yes no? Throw some ideas out and lets see what we can do. Snapperhead do you know how to get a hold of the old members of the now defunct West Michigan Fiero Club? Batousia can you get a hold of the Kazo gang? Oldjoedad you have a lot of contacts in your area.
Oh and the people just over the boarder they should and can come to. YES lets get all involved. Anyone that wants to get together chime in. I know it is drive for the Northern Michigan people and maybe we can get the other Fiero clubs to get together in your area?
Sounds like fun to me and at my age there isnt much that gets me excited.
[This message has been edited by solotwo (edited 03-23-2013).]
I second that. My interior is still sitting in pieces in my non-heated garage. Once it warms up I hope to finally finish sanding and re-painting the rust spots on my floor pan. Then it's time for reassembly.
If my fiero ever runs, I'd like to come out. I couldn't even try to set a date right now, but even if it did drive, I wouldn't take it out till the salt has cleared from the streets. So, pick a day and I'll try to be there
If my fiero ever runs, I'd like to come out. I couldn't even try to set a date right now, but even if it did drive, I wouldn't take it out till the salt has cleared from the streets. So, pick a day and I'll try to be there
Were just trying to get together. Hopefully many times this summer.
Not up to me , but if I may make a suggestion this is one of the places I try to go every year . Sand , water , picnic areas, plenty of parking, and bikinis ( when warm duh ). Not so much know for cars that I know of but maybe those that live in Michigan know more.
all neatly tucked for the long winters nap........ 2015 will be epic......I plan to hit all the weekend events next year. hopefully with 2 Fiero's to choose from nothing can stop Us if I am not mistaken the Mendon Dust off is the first real big show.......getsum!
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 12-07-2014).]
Hey Steve, go to the show and put your Fiero in it. I do and mine certainly is not show quality. I just go to enjoy the fellowship friendship and to see other cars.
Hey West Michigan............Can you folks come out and play for an afternoon?
Capitol City Fiero Club Holiday Foodfest Saturday, Dec. 13th at 2 pm Cancun Grill on Jolly Road (Lansing) No gift exchange - your presence is present enough!
Hey West Michigan............Can you folks come out and play for an afternoon?
Capitol City Fiero Club Holiday Foodfest Saturday, Dec. 13th at 2 pm Cancun Grill on Jolly Road (Lansing) No gift exchange - your presence is present enough!
ANYBODY on the West side going?? a Fiero Convoy would be cool
almost 50 degrees?? No snow/salt powering the roads?? I think..... Mera X and I have to take advantage of these factors! what say the body?? getsum???
Looks like Paul S and I are heading to 2 Seat Garage tomorrow to pick up his car. We will be traveling through Kalamazoo, Battle Creek to 2 Seat Garage.
Look out Kalamazoo/Battle Creek Area we will be coming through your area terrorizing all in our way. LOL We will be leaving GR around 9:45 to 10 heading to 2 Seat Garage. Then more than likely back through the area unless the cops are looking for 2 Fieros with a mature gentlemen driving. Then we will take a different route. LOL.
What a nice day. Had a nice ride to 2 Seat Garage with Paul as we talked about cars & Fieros. We were throwing around what ifs and Paul mentioned a V8 in a Fiero. I didn't think until we were almost at M 60 to let him drive. So I stopped on the expressway and let him jump in the drivers seat to push down on the go pedal. To kind of give him an idea. I told him if this 3800 feels fast just think what a small block would feel like! LOL. We got off of at M 60 and got some gas and I let him drive to 2 seat garage. Then we went out to the garage and I got to see what a new Formula looks like. Paul has a real sharp car. Low miles(25K) with an excellent interior. The whole car is nice and has some nice options. I am glad I drove him to Homer. I got to see what a new Fiero looks like and found that my car has some foam stick on pads for the sunroof that attach to the hood, missing. I have never seen that before. After talking Fieros with Brian & Joe and seeing their nice cars, we headed back to GR via the back roads. No cops that way! LOL. Seriously Brain and Joe spotted something on one of Paul's tires and them being original tires advised us to travel no faster than 50. So Paul had a route mapped out. That was a nice trip taking the back roads from Homer to Grand Rapids. We traveled through downtown Marshall, had lunch then to the north side of Battle Creek up M37. It was fun for me to travel behind a new Fiero. I noticed how low these cars are on the road when compared to other vehicles. That Red Notchie looked great traveling down the road. We traveled through some small villages, got gas north of Battle Creek , I don't recall the village name, at a station that was down to 1.99 for 87 octane. Paul had a gentleman at the next pump eying his car and he later talked to us. He had a big smile on his face. When we left the gas station a young man in a pickup was smiling and looking at us as he drove in. We got to see downtown Hastings and other burgs on the way up M37. North of Caledonia I had a guy pull next to me in Nissan sedan slow down and I looked over an he was giving us the "OK" sign. We made it back to GR with out any problems. Nice to be able to drive Fieros on a road trip on dry roads in late December with no snow or ice or rain! In Michigan!
[This message has been edited by solotwo (edited 12-20-2014).]
What a great photo opportunity and I left my camera on the steps at home. Agggh. Good news, fuel economy was 32 down and 29 back. Back roads on the way back with lots of stop & gos. Hey Olejoedad I think that is close to what you get with your 4.9.
[This message has been edited by solotwo (edited 12-22-2014).]
you guys hyper mile-ing or what?? I would have gotten way less MPG but enjoyed the MPH most definitely was a good day. bit cold, no?? I get KR under 40* real easy
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 12-22-2014).]
I didnt want to ruin Pauls hearing. My car is loud in side. And I didnt want to scare him as this is the first time we met. Remember I have the winter tires on and I think they are only H rated. No spark knock is not a problem, even with the 195 thermostat. It is real WARM back in the engine compartment. But he did like pushing on the GO pedal. As you know the 3800 scoots along pretty good.
Originally posted by batousai666:
you guys hyper mile-ing or what?? I would have gotten way less MPG but enjoyed the MPH most definitely was a good day. bit cold, no?? I get KR under 40* real easy
[This message has been edited by solotwo (edited 12-22-2014).]
What a nice day. Had a nice ride to 2 Seat Garage with Paul
Thanks again Steve, I couldn't have asked for better transport.
as we talked about cars & Fieros. We were throwing around what ifs and Paul mentioned a V8 in a Fiero. I didn't think until we were almost at M 60 to let him drive. So I stopped on the expressway and let him jump in the drivers seat to push down on the go pedal. To kind of give him an idea. I told him if this 3800 feels fast just think what a small block would feel like!
That was a lot of fun! The 3800sc was incredible. It could get things going as fast as I would ever want to, but for some reason I still want a V8. For show I think, which is very unlike me but what can I say?
After talking Fieros with Brian & Joe and seeing their nice cars,
It was good to see a shop dedicated to Fieros. The cars looked like show winners and Joe's looked like it came from the factory with a 4.9L.
Brain and Joe spotted something on one of Paul's tires and them being original tires advised us to travel no faster than 50.
No tire problems on the trip, but one tire was flat the next day from a surprisingly fast bead leak. The drive must have loosened it up, glad it didn't show up during the trip!
So Paul had a route mapped out. That was a nice trip taking the back roads from Homer to Grand Rapids. We traveled through downtown Marshall, had lunch then to the north side of Battle Creek up M37.
That was a nice trip. I think it will be my preferred route if my car needs more work. I will print out better maps next time though! LOL
…...a gentleman at the next pump eying his car and he later talked to us. He had a big smile on his face.....a young man in a pickup was smiling and looking at us as he drove in......had a guy pull next to me in Nissan sedan slow down and I looked over an he was giving us the "OK" sign.
Nice to have your car appreciated. I have a funny story to tell about what happened yesterday, I will write it up in a day or 2.
Nice to be able to drive Fieros on a road trip on dry roads in late December with no snow or ice or rain! In Michigan!
Amen. As it took longer and longer to get the car on the road, I thought for sure it would be getting a salt bath before I could get it stored. Great weather. -Paul
------------------ 1988 Fiero Formula 25k miles, garaged since 1988
[This message has been edited by Paul.S (edited 12-24-2014).]
Yes it was a nice trip. You have a very nice car there Paul. Found a better picture, so I posted it here to be able to copy the link and paste it in the avatar section.
[This message has been edited by solotwo (edited 12-28-2014).]
Hey Paul how about a picture of your car. I forgot my camera and left on the steps by the door going out to the garage so I would not forget it and..... senior moment. LOL I wanted to take pictures of us heading back to GR. Oh well, if you get an opportunity to take a picture of your nice car that would be great!