Mary jane is a traitor (Page 11/11)
nosrac JUL 10, 02:29 AM
Definitely NOT defending uhlanstan but how do we know that was his post? Maybe he got hacked or something?
I thought his normal rants were mostly unintelligible.
His post usually read like English was his third language and Greek was his first.
Also, I thought people posted more than once on a subject before they get the Axe.
htexans1 JUL 11, 07:08 PM

I'm pretty sure he was banned one time before and given a second chance, it was either him or whitedevil88 or both for all I know...

That was "Stimpy" who became known as "Whitedevil88" who was banned, again.

Uhlanstan was under suspension before, but only "banned" once.

[This message has been edited by htexans1 (edited 07-11-2014).]

NEPTUNE JUL 29, 06:13 PM

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
I speak English. Sue me.

NEPTUNE JUL 29, 06:15 PM


I speak English. Sue me.

jmbishop AUG 12, 11:31 AM

Originally posted by pontiackid86:

lol this is nothing for the trash can , you should have been here a couple years ago for the lop sided chops thread I think it got so bad that cliff just shut it down... also being new I would be careful venturing into here. freedom of speech does not exist in here when it comes to the rating bar.

Yeah, people went on a campaign to ban anyone who who wasn't a Archie fan posting in the thread. And what was it over? Multiple people had seen a chopped fiero in person and it looked a little off, it may have just been a optical illusion or it may have been off but inquiring about it set off a few crazies and the hate went on in that thread until cliff finally closed it.

The ratings bar is great but it's what keeps these threads going, this one was short because the ban came quickly but when the campaign to ban someone is slow and doesn't have enough supporters it could go on forever, I'm sure that thread would still be alive and people who have now left the forum would still be here campaghning to get myself and a few others banned.
johnyrottin AUG 15, 12:25 PM
I gave him a negative just because I am a mindless follower.

Just kidding, he was banned before I even read this today.