Happy Fathers days guys (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac JUN 20, 10:14 PM
Apparently, without me knowing about it, I am now "dad" to 2 Shih Tzu's and a Jug....and just like typical kids they decided to steal dads truck (HUH ? Kim doenst drive right now--yeh, right), steal a hundred bucks out of dads wallet and come home with a full ashtray, a bottle of Jager and 6 beers, a jar of apple pie shine and a new illuminated rifle scope. And a pizza.

Still cant figure out how 3 dogs did all that on 100 bucks. Lemme guess, in 2 days I'll be hearing "woof, woof" on the phone to bail them out over the pizza and getting a credit card statement with a paw-print on it !

Damn kids....GET OFF MY LAWN.....and STOP CRAPPING ON IT !!!!!,,,,,and put some damn gas in the truck, that stuff aint cheap !!!!!

<edit> And it seems, those 4 bags of bacon treats they bought me....I dont get any.


[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 06-20-2021).]