Stop and think for a minute about why "sticky notes" exist... (Page 1/2)
williegoat APR 13, 04:53 PM
Why are they so handy?

Thought about it?

Now check this out: Click to show


rinselberg APR 13, 05:03 PM
I'm stuck.

Is this a merry-oxen?

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-13-2021).]

Jake_Dragon APR 13, 05:14 PM
Place I uses to work had a break room that you could see into the windows of all of the offices.
One guy had 30-40 sticky notes on his window.
I added some of my own on the outside Mostly about the good work I was doing and how I needed a raise.
MidEngineManiac APR 13, 05:32 PM
I used to love those things.

When ya got 400 machines that all look the same, Sticky notes make it REAL easy to keep track of which one needs what done to it.
williegoat APR 13, 05:44 PM
The idea of a sticky note is that you can jot down a couple of words, tear the note off and stick it on anything. Three seconds and you are done.

"Hey Ralph...can I borrow your sticky note printer to print a note to remind me to buy ink for my sticky note printer?"

"Yeah, hang on a second while I plug it in, turn it on and load some paper....Alice, do you have an extra roll of sticky note printer paper? "

"Thanks Ralph! Hey, I'm going to lunch. When it's done printing, would you stick it on my pet rock?"

williegoat APR 13, 07:41 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I'm stuck.

Is this a merry-oxen?

I've been trying to figure that out. I usually know where you are going, even though it is often like Thelma and Louise, full speed straight off a cliff, unless it has something to do with wishing someone a belated happy Chinese new year, in which case I still don't get it.

[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 04-13-2021).]

rinselberg APR 13, 07:49 PM
Like the three gals in that image. I don't have anything against them, but who's to say that one of them is not a foxy moron?

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-13-2021).]

IMSA GT APR 13, 09:42 PM
I actually like to PUSH my brain to keep working and keep my memory strong rather than use notes or reminders.
Whether that works or not, I don't remember.

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 04-13-2021).]

cvxjet APR 13, 11:20 PM
My basic train (Wreck) of logic for sticky notes and going to the supermarket;

1) You don't write a you get nothing you need 'cause you can't reNember what you need...

2) Write the list but forget to stick it in your wallet....

3) Write it, stick it in your wallet....But forget to pull it out at the market.....

4) Write it, stick it in your wallet- and then take it out to READ it.....But you can't read your writing!!

So I just don't bother with a list......But I do have a sticky note stuck to my forehead to remind me of something.....wish I could read the dang thing, but it blocks my view when I stumble into the bathroom to look in the mirror.....
randye APR 13, 11:53 PM