Hudini...from your unique perspective, thoughts on the new Chinese corona virus (Page 1/146)
maryjane JAN 22, 01:32 AM
It seems to be a little more threatening than the usual bird type flu illnesses coming from China the last decade or so..What are you seeing, hearing, reading from that part of the world? Are they going to be able to get a handle on it?
MidEngineManiac JAN 22, 03:30 AM
There are a bunch of threads about it on Godlike Productions. Lots of fluff but some good links too.

Claims the city of Wahun (?) where it started is under quarantine, 1700+ cases, confirmed case in the US, WHO having an emergency meeting.

About the same as the SARS panic in 02 or so.
E.Furgal JAN 22, 03:49 AM
olejoedad JAN 22, 08:25 AM
Only 45 died, out of over 100.
Only one died during the voyage.
2.5 JAN 22, 10:56 AM
Mostly what I hear is downplaying of it. Which could mean nothing or mean something.
Tony Kania JAN 22, 11:46 AM
You cannot believe everything that you read, but lack of content often has meaning.
Hudini JAN 22, 11:56 AM
Well I just got back to Shanghai to find every N95 mask sold out. Online prices are about $60 equivalent. Good thing I already have a N99 mask.

This is Chinese New Year time. The 25th is the actual new year. CNY is traditionally a time Chinese travel to see family. Rumor has it that residents of Wuhan are hunkered down until the all clear is given. Official numbers are 9 dead. Official numbers are always suspect. My FO says it has spread to almost all provinces with 500 infections. Again, actual numbers are unknown.

I’m of the skeptical variety. Remember SARS, MERS, bird flu, swine flu? We were all supposed to get it and a great percentage would die. It hasn’t happened yet and I am of the same mindset as before. Every year we have flu. Every year some percentage dies. You take precautions and wear your mask but go about your business. If you get it then it’s just bad luck.

Personally, I got a flu shot the last time I was home and I also got a pneumonia shot against the latest bacterial pneumonia infections. There are no viral pneumonia shots unfortunately. This new corona virus can produce pneumonia symptoms where it’s difficult to breathe. Unknown whether it’s actually pneumonia or just this virus.

I sure hope I don’t get it but I am still working.

P.S. If Cliff Pennock reads this, did you intentionally block Chinese IP addresses? I have to use a VPN to avoid being blocked.

LitebulbwithaFiero JAN 22, 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Hudini:
P.S. If Cliff Pennock reads this, did you intentionally block Chinese IP addresses? I have to use a VPN to avoid being blocked.

I thought it was the Chinese that restrict what you could view on the internet?
maryjane JAN 22, 02:18 PM

Originally posted by LitebulbwithaFiero:

I thought it was the Chinese that restrict what you could view on the internet?

Sort of....

Tíngzhǐ kāiguān

2.5 JAN 22, 04:19 PM
Just more data


"...This time, Chinese authorities were initially praised for what some observers called a relatively fast response. China first reported a pattern of unknown pneumonia-like cases in the city of Wuhan in late December.
...Authorities have offered daily updates and have said the number of infected people in China has passed 470.
...But some analysts have already raised doubts over whether the Chinese figures are accurate. Imperial College London researchers estimated Wednesday that the number of cases in Wuhan had probably risen to around 4,000 by Saturday — vastly exceeding the number of cases China had confirmed. …

..In Wuhan, a city of 11 million people, the numbers of people traveling in and out was “staggering,” he said. And officials did not suspend travel until Wednesday, weeks after the outbreak was first documented."

[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 01-22-2020).]