Senator Martha McSally Calls CNN Reporter a 'Liberal Hack', U Go Girl! (Page 2/2)
maryjane JAN 18, 09:28 AM
is there a downside to liberal hacks not being on Fox News?
williegoat JAN 18, 09:38 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

is there a downside to liberal hacks not being on Fox News?

Well yeah. Saturday Night Live hasn't been funny in decades. We gotta have some entertainment.
Yeah, I know we have rinselberg but you know, we have rinselberg.
blackrams JAN 18, 10:14 AM

Originally posted by williegoat:

Well yeah. Saturday Night Live hasn't been funny in decades. We gotta have some entertainment.
Yeah, I know we have rinselberg but you know, we have rinselberg.

SNL never found my humor bone. They always seemed too biased to the “Left”. I really don’t care what Hollywood, networks or celebrities think. It will be interesting to see how SNL approaches this. It’s too good for them to ignore but my bet is they will put a very Liberal spin on it.

randye JAN 18, 05:54 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

I voted for McSally and will likely do so again, but the McSally vs Sinema debate reminded me of Nixon vs Kennedy. McSally was knowledgeable, she was accurate and to-the-point but just lacked the "stage presence" of her opponent.

"Stage presence" vs Reality.

cliffw JAN 19, 09:15 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:
is there a downside to liberal hacks not being on Fox News?

I meant to insinuate liberal politicians.
blackrams JAN 21, 04:51 AM

Originally posted by cliffw:

I meant to insinuate liberal politicians.

Don't go rinselburg on us. Be clear and concise.
