Wisconsin lefties missed their shipment (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac FEB 21, 02:29 PM
I'm sure they can order another one.


maryjane FEB 21, 02:39 PM
It's Spock's....or, someone was going to make some special kind of headcheese..

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 02-21-2020).]

MidEngineManiac FEB 21, 08:46 PM
Actually, it's Justins. He wasn't using it so we decided to get a few bucks.
williegoat FEB 21, 09:13 PM
maryjane FEB 21, 09:50 PM
or Sesos Humanos.......

Using cow brains would be in violation of USDA/FDA/FSIA rules regarding Specified Risk Material.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 02-21-2020).]

MidEngineManiac FEB 22, 01:07 AM
I rrreeaaalllyyy don't think people who order brains in Mason jars worry too much about regulations.

Just a hunch.