Go Doug Ford !! (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac APR 18, 06:27 PM
He is linking school funding to graduate jobs and earnings...only a couple % for now, but 60% in 5 years.


THAT spells the end of a flood of liberal arts majors..Or worse, ballet-dance masters degrees (Yeh, I worked with one about 6-7 years ago. douche knot, hipster beard and all).
williegoat APR 18, 06:55 PM
Reward performance?! That's gotta be racist or sexist something.
MidEngineManiac APR 19, 02:04 AM
Our last conservative premier (Mike Harris) did something similar in about 1998 or so, but with student loans rather than funding.

He made the schools responsible for the loans if the students defaulted. Back then you couldn't walk without tripping over some sort of private school functioning 100% on government student loans, and they would take ANYBODY so long as they were breathing...more-or-less. A lot of these "students" had NO hope of ever finishing the course or landing a job, but the schools took them anyway. One of the flight schools at the airport I flew out of had an 85% wash-out rate over that type of stuff. About 35-40% of the students they took in would never get a medical. They didn't care, they got paid. The vet tech school up the street from the house was the same thing.

The entire concept of holding the schools responsible and forcing them to properly screen candidates didn't last past the 1st court challenge and the taxpayers still ended up on the hook for all those loans.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 04-19-2019).]