Something new... ;) (Page 1/6)
Cliff Pennock JAN 13, 03:17 PM
Some of you already know I'm working on something new although there are only few people that know what it is exactly. I can't tell you just yet what it is, but I just wanted you to know it will probably go life on monday!

I've been programming my butt off for the past few weeks and I hope you will like it.

It's not an addition to PFF, but it is something for the Fiero community. I'm currently testing it as thorough as possible, and things are looking good. I just hope it'll hold up as well once it's actually being used by people.

Ok, I might have made it sound like this is something unique, never-before-seen stuff, while it really isn't. It's just something I thought the Fiero community could use.

Anyway, keep a close eye on this thread. Once it goes life, I'll post it here.

Oh, I can tell you what it's called: PFA.

[This message has been edited by Cliff Pennock (edited 01-13-2002).]

Jaygee79 JAN 13, 04:28 PM
ooh I can't wait. I love surprises
Mach10 JAN 13, 04:58 PM
Well, I can only assume it's a good thing... I'm having problems converting the acronym into dirty words

Are we allowed to guess?

84Bill JAN 13, 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Mach10:
Well, I'm having problems converting the acronym into dirty words

About all I can say is
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!! That's funny I have the same problem.

72vinman JAN 13, 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:
I can't tell you just yet what it is, but I just wanted you to know it will probably go life on monday!

How about a small hint.


GTA Fiero Club

88CoupeV6 JAN 13, 05:34 PM
Please Cliff, Give us a small hint

Josh Pics of my cars

Join New England Fiero Association

Jaygee79 JAN 13, 06:04 PM
it must be Monday over there by now. tell us! TELL US!!!!!!

sorry, I get a little excited at times

Fleabitdog JAN 13, 06:09 PM
Pretty friggin awesome
hugh JAN 13, 06:16 PM
Cliff,I understand your need to keep it a secret.BUT,WHAT THE H(ECK)IS IT?
Cliff Pennock JAN 13, 06:36 PM
Like I said, it's nothing really spectacular, just something I have been wanting to make for a long time. And now I just sat down and made it.