Interruption of Service (2) (Page 1/1)
Cliff Pennock AUG 04, 07:36 AM
Ok, I made a small error on the time the server would be down. Instead of substracting 6 hours from the local time here in Holland, I added 6 hours. So the interruption occured around 6pm on friday and not on the morning of Aug 4... Sorry 'bout that.

But that ain't the bad news. The bad news is that the server was moved to the new location, and then moved back again to the old location due to some unforseen problems on the new location. This meant the forum was down for a whopping 15 hours instead of the planned 2 hours.

I'm not sure when the next attempt will be to move the server, but I'll try to let you know well in advance.

Again, my apologies for any inconvenience.

Archie AUG 04, 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:
I'm not sure when the next attempt will be to move the server, but I'll try to let you know well in advance.

Welcome back. Sorry you ended up working so hard & long on it for us.


Indiana_resto_guy AUG 04, 09:37 AM
Well, Archie made it through! Good man!
What was the problem Cliff, phone lines?
Poor quality and static?
Oreif AUG 04, 09:39 AM
It's always those "unforseen" problems that can get you. Hey it's like working on a Fiero, If you think it takes 30 minutes to do, 4 hours later your done.

Hope the next time you move it, it goes better.
Your doing a great job with the Forum.
Big Thanks to you Cliff!


Got Emblems?

Cliff Pennock AUG 04, 11:33 AM
The problem was that the server was unable to "talk" with the outside world. It was something that could have been solved in a few minutes - were they able to reach me.
maryjane AUG 04, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the hard work. ( I was beginng to think I had slept thru a whole day or sumpthin.)
bHooper AUG 05, 09:34 AM
talking with the outside world is very important... especially when your a server.

btw, i think i noticed the second attempt... sometime this am.

Red 86 GT 5 speed
Black 86 SE Automatic

JSocha AUG 05, 12:38 PM
Ah Man! You wouldn't believe the cold sweat's I have been having here in ND without my daily dose of PFF, even in the 90+ degree humid weather.

Must go and "OT" now on PFF and interject more PFF into my system.

Sorry to hear about the problems you had. Know what it is like when I go in on a weekend to work on our computer system to upgrades something. Something always goes wrong with something that is so simple yet something unexpected always happens.

Don't beat yourself over it. We are mature enough to understand.

BTW, what does the PFF on CD cost just so I have an emergency fix for dah next time?


artherd AUG 06, 06:11 AM
Hi Cliff, I finally switched our (four) DNS servers to bind 9, I feel your pain :)

Fortunately we were able to keep an bind8 server online the whole time, but if we haden't a 5min outage would have turned into a 48 hour ordeal!!!

Hope the new servers work well, I just noticed that netscape is refusing to load the fourm's homepage, but just on my crappy mac laptop (ok, it's a pretty nice laptop, but it's still blecky macos. I'm not fair and compare it to my Silicon Graphics workstation, which gives 110% all the time with no hassles.)

Thanks for maintaining the forum, I know what a PITA it can be!!!
(PS: if you ever need a US mirror, please let me know. I don't know if you get charged for an 'overseas' link, but if so I could save you some $ :)


Ben Cannon
88 Formula, T-top Metalic Red
88 Formula, Silver
87 Coupe, Metalic Red
"Every Man Dies, not every man really Lives"
-Mel Gibson, "Braveheart"