It was closed, now it's open again. (Page 1/8)
Cliff Pennock JUL 03, 08:31 PM
Yes, I did close the forum and yes, it was my intention to keep it closed for a while. But now it's open again. The reason is because I noticed people were directing their anger towards a few individuals (an a single person in particular) and were even threathening him. This was not my intention although I could have seen that coming but I didn't.

So I opened it again. It had been closed for a whopping 1 hour and 45 minutes.

First I like to apologize to those persons. I still stand by my words I directed at you personally and that's not the reason I'm apologizing. I'm apologizing because I didn't foresee the anger that would be unleashed upon you. That was short sightedness from my end and my apologies for that are sincere.

That said, the original problem still remains. But if I was too angry to think straight a few hours ago, I'm now too tired. I leave this place to you for a few hours so you can discuss what has happened in the past 24 hours.

I'm sorry if I caused any inconvenience to anyone.

mrgone JUL 03, 08:36 PM
**group hug**
My7Fieros JUL 03, 08:38 PM
PHEWWWWW!!!!!!!! I noticed that. Man, when I clicked on and got that message from you instead of the forum, I thought I was gonna be sick. I understand what you said though, but keep in mind, you help keep ALOT of people keep their sanity w/ this board! And incase no one has told you, THANK YOU FOR THE FORUM! Glad to see it back up. You da man, Cliff! M7F
Mach10 JUL 03, 08:39 PM
I'd like to thank you, Cliff, for reconsidering.
HOWEVER, I don't like the idea that you reopened just because the guy who started this is being threatened. He brought it upon himself, and although he doesn't deserve physical recourse, he should be prepared to deal with a lot of negative feedback. Do it for your own reasons.
Thanks again!
84Bill JUL 03, 08:39 PM
Cliff you anger is understood. I can't believe someone can be so nasti.
Adrift JUL 03, 08:40 PM
Cliff if the bandwidth fees are too much for you I know some people in the hosting industry - I can hook us up with a another place to host this forum.
beachbomb JUL 03, 08:42 PM

JIM(heart rate back to normal)

kslish JUL 03, 08:44 PM
Hopefully everyone will behave themselves over the next 24 hours (and into the far far future). I'm sure next time (hopefully there won't be a next time) we won't be so lucky.

Thank you Cliff for reconsidering (whew!!)

Ken S.

KnightRyder31 JUL 03, 08:54 PM
Thank GOD!
Or, thank CLIFF!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, I was just writting you an email to, never mind that now.
Thank you Cliff!

[This message has been edited by KnightRyder31 (edited 07-03-2001).]

Slammed Fiero JUL 03, 08:57 PM
That was close..I thought with the forum gone i would have to go to class , or study ...ewwwww

Good thing it's back

I would still consider a subscription fee for the year for users of the forum