What's Up at Archie's (Page 310/313)
Steel AUG 06, 03:31 AM

Originally posted by PaulJK:

So is Archie's shop near chicago still open and run by his employees (?)

No, all gone.

Archie NOV 17, 10:42 PM

Originally posted by PaulJK:

So is Archie's shop near chicago still open and run by his employees (?)

Nope, located in Las Vegas now. Still selling V-8 kits & a few other parts like the WideBody kits.

Went from a 3 man shop to a one man operation. So don't build the customs like we used to do. But I am doing 3 or 4 V-8 swaps a year out here.


DefenderMG23 DEC 16, 02:27 PM
Does the phone number from the website still apply since moving to Vegas?
DefenderMG23 DEC 17, 12:37 PM
Does the phone number from the website still apply since moving to Vegas?
Steel DEC 18, 09:33 AM
Try calling it and let us know?
Archie JAN 07, 03:34 AM
Yes, I still have my Chicago area phone number 847-212-3909.


Originally posted by DefenderMG23:

Does the phone number from the website still apply since moving to Vegas?

Cdnsolman JAN 08, 10:51 AM
With as many cars and engine swaps happen here, what are the odds someone has a spare V6 front engine bracket they could part with?
I'm dropping a 3400LA1 into an '84 2m4 and can't find an engine bracket. The donor vehicle bracket doesn't work, and neither does the Iron duke's bracket.
ragoldsmith JAN 13, 01:57 AM

Originally posted by Cdnsolman:

With as many cars and engine swaps happen here, what are the odds someone has a spare V6 front engine bracket they could part with?
I'm dropping a 3400LA1 into an '84 2m4 and can't find an engine bracket. The donor vehicle bracket doesn't work, and neither does the Iron duke's bracket.

You should try posting this in “The Mall” section of the forum. More likely for someone to see it there. And I’m positive someone has a mount. Lots of people on here with lots of parts. You should also try the Fiero group on Facebook. A lot of active users over there.
Archie JAN 18, 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Archie:

pip test


Does anyone know if the current download of PIP will work with Win 10?

Please pay no attention. Just trying to remember how to post pictures...... Thank You

[This message has been edited by Archie (edited 01-19-2021).]

davylong86 JAN 19, 11:27 PM
Archie, its great to see some pics from the west side. The red one is new to me, info please.