Leftist Psychology... and psychoticism. (Page 1/1)
82-T/A [At Work] MAR 09, 08:49 AM
I know it’s Saturday, and it’s early, so I apologize… but a recent paper that was just published:

Understanding left-wing authoritarianism: Relations to the dark personality traits, altruism, and social justice commitment | Current Psychology (springer.com)

BLUF: Radical leftists do things from a narcissistic perspective, e.g., they promote altruism and social justice for the purposes of ego. That is, they don’t do it because they actually think it’s right, they do whatever they do because of the positive feedback from other crazies that they get for promoting such things. They call it the “Dark-Ego-Vehicle” principle.

“Considering these results, we assume that some leftist political activists do not actually strive for social justice and equality but rather use political activism to endorse or exercise violence against others to satisfy their own ego-focused needs. We discuss these results in relation to the dark-ego-vehicle principle.”

And a prior article which details the “Dark-Ego-Vehicle Principle”: Dark-ego-vehicle principle: Narcissism as a predictor of anti-sexual assault activism | Current Psychology (springer.com)

“This principle states that individuals with dark personalities, such as high narcissistic traits, are inclined to become involved in certain kinds of ideologies and political activism. We argue that narcissistic individuals can be attracted to anti-sexual assault activism because this form of activism may provide them with opportunities to obtain positive self-presentation (e.g., virtue signaling), gain status, dominate others, and engage in social conflicts to get their thrills.”s

[This message has been edited by 82-T/A [At Work] (edited 03-09-2024).]

rinselberg MAR 09, 02:13 PM
ray b MAR 09, 05:13 PM
Patrick MAR 09, 06:02 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

I know it’s Saturday, and it’s early, so I apologize… but a recent paper that was just published...

For someone who didn't even know who Carl Jung was, isn't this a bit over your head?
BingB MAR 10, 03:25 PM

People who claim that Left-wing Authoritarianism does not exist are clueless. And in general I agree with the problems of "authoritarianism" of both sides. Right Wing Authoritarianist are more close minded and prejudiced while Left Wing Authoritarianists are apparently more motivated by narcissism. So it is important to take notice that this study is not comparing "left wing" to "right wing". Instead it is a study of "left-wing authoritarianism". For example it notes that "altruism" is positively related to left-wing political attitudes, but NOT with left wing authoritarianism.

But overall I am a little confused by these studies. They use "antihierarchical aggression" as an element of Left Wing Authoritarianism, but that would mean that the January 6 protestors at the Capitol were "Left Wing" authoritarians.
rinselberg MAR 10, 07:12 PM

Originally posted by BingB:
People who claim that Left-wing Authoritarianism does not exist are clueless. And in general I agree with the problems of "authoritarianism" of both sides. Right Wing [Authoritarians] are more [closed-minded] and prejudiced[,] while Left Wing [Authoritarians] are apparently more motivated by narcissism. So it is important to take notice that this study is not comparing "left wing" to "right wing". Instead it is a study of "left-wing authoritarianism". For example it notes that "altruism" is positively related to left-wing political attitudes, but NOT with left wing authoritarianism.

But overall I am a little confused by these studies. They use "anti-hierarchical aggression" as an element of Left Wing Authoritarianism, but that would mean that the January 6 protestors at the Capitol were "Left Wing" authoritarians

Certain forum members literally glom onto any news media or research-style report that connect the idea of Left Wing, Liberal or Progressive politics or "Democrats" with negative associations like crime, violence, personality disorders or other mental health issues, and in this case, authoritarianism. More often than not, the quality of the reports that excite these particular forum members is best described as pablum.

These reports that "82-T/A" has posted appear to be pretty "legit" as actual, science-based psychology research.

I'm hardly going to wade through all of that report (the first one) but it seems to me that "anti-hierarchical aggression" could be identified as a motive behind the crimes or at least the activism of some of the Black Lives Matter protestors and also, some of the Stop The Steal or "January 6" protestors... a common element among both groups.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 03-10-2024).]

BingB MAR 11, 11:19 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

These reports that "82-T/A" has posted appear to be pretty "legit" as actual, science-based psychology research.

They are legit. "Left Wing Authoritarianism" is a problem just like "Right Wing Authoritarianism"

I just think some people might be confused and see this as a study condemning "left wing policy" instead of "left wing authoritarianism".