Hey Hey it's the Monkies (pox) (Page 2/2)
Hudini MAY 24, 06:58 PM
So far it's ass monkey pox. It's being spread by gay men to other gay men.

Those of us who got the small pox vaccine years ago should be ok even if it starts moving in the hetero population.
steve308 MAY 24, 08:01 PM
Take two of these and call me in te morning.
MidEngineManiac MAY 24, 09:21 PM
Fiffy mutations !!!

Count 'em...

fiffy.... ....Izzat more den tree ???

(Give these fear-mongers time and we will have the 3,000 mutation cold-pox-flu-hemeroid-hangnail-ingrown-hair virus......WITH A VACCINE for only $24.99 (Plus shipping and handling fee) )

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 05-24-2022).]

randye MAY 24, 11:42 PM
randye MAY 25, 03:09 AM
maryjane MAY 25, 11:18 AM
Nice boobs on the monkey girl.
(my mind (and eyes) just naturally drift in that direction)