I got t-boned (Page 1/11)
sdgdf OCT 24, 08:03 PM

Please say this can be fixed. The door is crunched but the coolant tubes aren’t damaged, none of the other panel gaps are bad. I look in the engine bay and nothing looks mis-aligned. This car is my baby
sdgdf OCT 24, 08:17 PM
TheDigitalAlchemist OCT 24, 08:54 PM
UGH. So sorry man...

Does it drive straight? Door still open?

Might need a new door, (window?) door skin, quarter panel...paint....

sleek fiero OCT 24, 09:17 PM
Looks like you have some major damage to right rear suspension. you won't know until you strip it apart. sleek
steve308 OCT 24, 09:23 PM
Hopefully You are OK! Does the guy that hit you have insurance? If not do you have full coverage? Insurance will probably want to total the car but if the person who hit you has full coverage hold their feet to fire for the repair. Wheel looks a bit out. Good luck.
IMSA GT OCT 24, 09:57 PM
My fear is the entire rear pillar is pushed inward. The area behind the door is major structural support.

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 10-24-2023).]

sdgdf OCT 24, 11:05 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

UGH. So sorry man...

Does it drive straight? Door still open?

Might need a new door, (window?) door skin, quarter panel...paint....

Door doesn’t open. Apparently the car hit mine twice as it knocked my wheel around and it’s not straight so it doesn’t drive straight. Window shattered. I’d be ok with this if I can get a new door, skins, the frame isn’t too bad and can be fixed, and paint. Suspension/axle stuff isn’t serious.
Phirewire OCT 24, 11:29 PM

Originally posted by sdgdf:

Please say this can be fixed. The door is crunched but the coolant tubes aren’t damaged, none of the other panel gaps are bad. I look in the engine bay and nothing looks mis-aligned. This car is my baby

Do you carry classic car insurance? Safe to say unless you have a large agreed value then the car will be a total loss. Anything is fixable but looking at this the pillar is pushed in. It was enough to push door in and pop the interior trim off.

You always have the ability to retain if it does total, and I believe in your state you have the right to hire an independent appraiser to argue the value of your vehicle since it would not fall under a standard valuation.

[This message has been edited by Phirewire (edited 10-24-2023).]

olejoedad OCT 24, 11:39 PM
That really sucks.
Sorry to see that.
olejoedad OCT 24, 11:40 PM
Hopefully the damage is repairable.

[This message has been edited by olejoedad (edited 10-24-2023).]